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Win big with small experiences: A Brand Vision Point of View

This article was originally published in 2022, and while we strive to keep our content relevant, some information may now be outdated or no longer applicable. Please consider this post a historical reference rather than current guidance.

I was recently in a hotly debated conversation with a colleague regarding a feedback page on a client’s website. Yeah, you heard that… “hotly debated” AND “feedback page” in the same sentence.

Imagine two experienced (and relatively educated) executives digging into the subtle nuances and overarching approach of a feedback page. Who cares about that stuff anyways, right? That’s the “check-the-box” requirements that typically get pushed off into a template design as part of the final sprint just as UAT is wrapping up and budgets are maxed. An afterthought at best.

Yet upon reflection of that very sentiment, I was thankful for what transpired. And I was motivated to talk about it.

You see, it’s these moments that matter. They can define the true character of a brand. Those seemingly insignificant experiences that connect consumers through an action where they are seeking an exchange of value of some kind. And while the feedback page (or any utility-based function for that matter) may not be the sexiest of touch points, it can prove to be one of the most important and subjective in the eyes of a consumer. And it’s all too easy for a brand to overlook these moments and to drop the ball right into the lap of its customer. Brands can not take this attention to detail lightly. Not anymore.

Self-service is a rising expectation and modern brands are setting the pace

By the year 2020 it is estimated that consumers will manage 80% of their relationship with a brand without ever interacting with a human. And if brands ever needed a wake up call, the phone is ringing. Opportunity is knocking. The ship is about to sail. Use whatever analogy you like, this trend can serve as an innovation catalyst to move business forward, and consumer expectations are already at a feverish high.

To a consumer a brand’s value is delivered, over time, through a series of independent interactions. These could be a website, an advertisement, a mobile app, the product/service offering itself or a myriad of other touch points. Consumers collect them all. Good and bad. And over time they formulate an opinion; Do I like or dislike what this brand is offering and how they are offering it? Is it easy to do business with this brand? Is the product or service modern and exciting? Every experience matters. Brands that develop these experiences through a siloed orientation often leave the consumer with the task of connecting the dots, squeezing out their own value equation. And most don’t like it.

Modern brands link value between experiences

Today’s most successful brands are proactively linking experiences together along the customer journey by understanding what happens in between, then ensuring each experience can close the gap and enhance their customer’s daily pursuits. When a brand can commit to its obligations to deliver value where and when its customers need it, it opens the door to innovation and alignment within an organization. Even more, it creates a closed cycle of interaction keeping audiences from diverting their attention towards a competitor. That’s the opportunity, and it’s a win-win relationship that for so many brands seems painfully far away.

Modern Climate creates modern brand experiences

Since 2009, Modern Climate has helped shape experiences for some of today’s most innovative brands. By fostering an understanding of what we call “moments that matter”, our teams help deliver connected consumer interactions that solve business challenges while equally delivering value.

If your brand is seeking clarity and greater traction across your experience framework, email our Minneapolis office for more information about our capabilities, work and outcomes.